Title: "Who Are We, Who Is God, And What Is The Relationship Between Us." Wisdom Point: His Holiness, "In Truth There Is Only One God, One Prayer, One Family, And There Is Really Only One Life, Only One Soul, Which Is The Life of God Within Each of Us, Within All of Creation." Date Written: April, 1989, Date Last Updated: July, 2004 Date Published: July, 2004 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Rev. George. A. Johnson, Nigeria, Africa
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Outline of Spiritual Letter - for Page 08
Text of Spiritual Letter - for Page 08 25. The True Disciple of God Within Us
Like this, my loving brother, gradually we begin to realize, through the life and teaching of God for this age, the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), that this true disciple within us is really God within us surrendering to God within.
That this properly prepared earth within us is really God giving birth to God within us, and that this true student within us is really God within us learning about, understanding, and merging with God within us, is really God answering the question that God Himself asked in Anadi within us, in the time before the beginningless beginning within us, in the time of darkness or lack of understand within us, the question,
"Who am I?" 26. The Spiritual Child of Wisdom Within Us
Also, we begin to realize that this true student within us, this Spiritual Child of Wisdom within us, is the one who must learn, not us, that we are now the university that He must attend within us, and the books that He must study within us, if He is ever to understand what He came here to learn within us.
We must begin to realize and accept this, just like a mother during her pregnancy begins to realize and accept that she is no longer the child of her mother, that she is now the mother of the child, the child she will now give birth to, the child that is now within her, as she was once within her mother, that now she is the home and the nourishment for that child.
And through this understanding and acceptance, we must invite God within us, we must invite this Spiritual Child of Wisdom within us, which is really God becoming God within God within us, into this University of God called our body, and dedicate ourselves to Him and His Higher Education, encouraging Him to open and read and understand and become One with these History Books of God within us called the Creation of God within us.
So He can pass His examination and become the Light of God to the world within us, and open and rule the Kingdom of God within us.
Because it is only when the true student of God within us, reads and understands this book of God's history within us, it is only when He becomes one with God within us, that He becomes one with all life within us, that He merges into God within us, revealing the "Oneness" that is God within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us. Amen. 27. What's Happening? - God Is Happening within us, that's what is happening
So, my loving brother, this book of God's history and this student of God are truly but two aspects of the same thing, two aspects of the one thing, two aspects of God - God existing and God becoming (or God happeniing within us).
And all that we have been experiencing so far of our life, really has nothing to do with us, nothing to do with us as "separate from" God, or "separate from" anything, but is really all about God within us, all about God both existing as God within us and about God becoming God within us, is really all about God again becoming God within us, if we will only let Him.
Is really all about God again emerging out of Anadi, the time of darkness or lack of understanding within us, into Aadi within us, into the time of light and understanding within us, revealing within this process the Nur Muhammad and the shadow of the Nur Muhammad, revealing the Light of God that we call God, and the darkness of God that we are currently experiencing as our life in the world of separation and differences, but which in truth is the Mother of God and the Womb of God.
This is what is really happening in our life - God is happening. And if instead of trying to live our life of darkness, if we reject this darkness as who we are, and if we reject this world of hell as where we are, and instead embrace God as who we are, and if we embrace the womb of God as where we are, and accept that "what God is doing" within us as our true "what is happening", rather than what "we" and our brothers and sisters "say or do" on the "outside" of as as "what is happening", then God can finish what He stated within each of us, a very, very long time ago, way before we were born into this earth world.
Then God can reveal God to God within us for the benefit of all of the Creations of God within us, within the 18,000 universes within us, within man and within God and within God and within man.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah.
28. Who Are We? Who Is God? And What Is The Relationship Between Us?
So, my loving brother, there is God, there is the book of God's history, and there is the student of God and in some beautiful way, my loving brother, we are all three, and in some beautiful way, my loving brother, we are the one who transcends the three, we are the one from which the three emerged, and will return, if we but allow Them to again become One and return to the One from which They came, and we do all of this before we die, then our life will truly be sucessful, and we will be within Them, both as the three and the One. Amen.
If we but allow Them to return to the Oneness of God, if we but join with God within us to let this happen, to let God happen within us, if we but join in partnership with God within us in this Divine Work within us, by accepting the Gift of God for this age, as the Gift of God for this age, by realizing, accepting, understanding, and joining with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), both on the "outside" and within us, as the life and teachings of God for this age, and if we do all of this before we die, then our life will truly be successful.
Then as Bawa teaches us,
"Our wisdom will reason over our fate, And the qualities of our innerselves will be victorious over the qualities of our outer self."
And our life will affirm what Bawa also teaches us, that,
"Man is God in the forgetting of Himself."
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lilla, Allahu Akbar.
Such is the true point of our life my loving brother, such is the true point of the wise man in our life my loving brother, and such is the true point of God within our life my loving brother. We are One. We must realize this without the slightest doubt, my loving brother.
So who is God, my loving brother? Bawa teaches us that God is the power within the essence of everything. Bawa teaches us that God occurs naturally as each creation comes to maturity.
So who is the true wise man, my loving brother? Bawa teaches us that the true wise man is the life within the world that is not separate from God, the life within the world that has merged and become one with God and become one with all life, with all creation.
Bawa teaches us that the true wise man is the essence of all creation, the wisdom of God that understands all creations, the union of God and His creation. Bawa teaches us that the true wise man is the example to the world of the creation called man in the state of maturity, of man in the state of Man-God/God-Man.
Bawa teaches us that the true wise man is a living example of the qualities and duties of God to the world, an example of God to the world. Bawa teaches us that the true wise man is the instrument of maturation for all true believers in God, the vessel for holding and germinating the seed of God and growing the tree of God and bearing the fruits of God for the world, the womb for the virgin birth of the Sun of God, the light of God, for the world. Such is the true wise man, my loving brother.
Bawa teaches us that the true wise man is the state of consciousness that understands the creations of God, that understands True Man and the relationship between God and True Man, that understands what is beyond the scriptures of God that came at the time of each prophet of God, that understands and has merged with God. Such is the true wise man, my loving brother.
So who are we my loving brother? Bawa teaches us that we are the seed of God within God, we are the ray of light that has come from God, we are the gift of God to the world, we are that which can grow into the true disciple, the true slave of God, the true student of God, the little child sitting on the lap of God, the tree of God that bears and supports the fruits of God for the world, the Sun of God, the light of God for the world, and finally the one who becomes the true wise man for the true believers in the world.
Such is our heritage and birthright, my loving brother., and such is the life and teaching of God for this age, the life and teaching of God that has come at the time of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. All praise and praising belong to God, and to God alone. Only God is great. This is true meaning of Islam, my dearest loving brother. 29. What Does The Wise Man See?
So, what does the Wise Man see when he looks at us my loving brother? Bawa teaches us that a True Wise Man is not looking at us, He is looking at God, He has lost himself within God, He is looking at his Own life, the One life, the Life of God, and in this way, as a Slave of God He is doing service to God, service to the One life of God within God.
Bawa teaches us that God never tests us but that the wise man is always testing us, as the One Life within God, to determine our true intention and our willingness to let go of what God and the Wise Man have discarded, our willingness to join that True Life, the One Life that is one within all life, the life of God that the Wise Man is experiencing. Bawa teaches us that the Wise Man is a Slave to God, a Slave to the One True Life, a Slave to the True Intention for God.
So the Wise Man is looking at the creations of God as His own life, and as His life has become one with God, He is constantly trying to move all life into the One life. But He can only do this within the Justice of God, He can only do this to the degree that each creation truly wants the One life and is willing to let go of the life of separation, the life of differences, that has grown within it. Such is the life of the Wise Man my loving brother. 30. What Do We See?
So, what do we see when we look at each other and when we look at ourselves, my loving brother? Bawa teaches us that until the Wisdom of God, the Life of God, the Life of Oneness with all life, dawns within us, all that we have ever seen is ourselves.
Bawa teaches us that within this state of selfishness, this state of separation and differences, this state of mind and desire, everything that we see and experience is but a reflections of our own arrogance, karma, and illusion. Bawa teaches us that within this state of selfishness we have never seen anything as it really is. Such is the life that we are presently experiencing, my loving brother. Such is the real dilemma of our life, my loving brother.
Bawa teaches us that this dilemma can only be resolved, my loving brother, if we find, accept, and merge with a True Wise Man. 31. How Can We Find A True Wise Man?
But you may ask, my loving brother, how can I find a true wise man? Bawa teaches us that if we have the correct intention for a wise man then we will meet the wise man for our life when we are ready to meet him. And when are we ready to truly meet the wise man? Bawa teaches us that when we stand in front of God, alone and defenseless, and say,
"Oh God, it is all your will".
Then the wise man for our life will truly appear before us and say, "Come my son, let us go, now you are ready". Such is the true nature of the wise man, my loving brother, and the true nature of our life, my loving brother.
So, my loving brother, who of us has truly met the wise man? Certainly not this child. The life of this child with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) with the wisdom of God, has been but preparation to truly meet the wise man. God willing, when this does occurs, then this child will be no more, this child will have truly merged with the wise man and become the true disciple of God. 32. What Is The Path of Wisdom?
The answer to these questions and an understanding of these answers, my loving brother, is the path of wisdom that has come for our time, for our age, within our life, to explain who we are, who God is, and the relationship between us.
This is the path of wisdom that has come from God to our soul and the wisdom that surrounds it. This is the path to God that has come at the time of Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us).
This is the wealth for our life my loving brother. This is the wealth for all of our lives. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. All praise be to God. Only God is great.
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