Spiritual Letter 01 - Outline & Summary Version        About Spiritual Letter 01
Title: "Who Are We, Who Is God, And What Is The Relationship Between Us."
Wisdom Point: His Holiness, "In Truth There Is Only One God, One Prayer, One Family, And There Is Really Only One Life, Only One Soul, Which Is The Life of God Within Each of Us, Within All of Creation."
Date Written: April, 1989, Date Last Updated: July, 2004
Date Published: July, 2004
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to: Rev. George. A. Johnson, Nigeria, Africa

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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Outline of Spiritual Letter - for Page 07

16.  We Are - the book of God that must be read
17.  But We Are Not - the student of God who can read the book of God
18.  We Are The Earth - that can give birth to the student of God
19.  But We Don't Know How - to give birth to the student of God
20.  Only The True Disciple - can give birth to the student of God
21.  But We Do Not Know How - to become a true disciple
22.  Only By Entering The Heart Of The Shaikh - can we become a True Disciple
23.  But We Do Not Know How - to enter the heart of the Shaikh
24.  Only By Completing The Three Steps - in the True Shaikh-Disciple Relationship
          can we enter the heart of the Shaikh

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Text of Spiritual Letter - for Page 07
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16.  We Are The Book of God That Must Be Read

My loving brother, let us once again look at the path to God, the path of wisdom, that has come at the time of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for the children of God, and let us understand who it is that must walk this path.

Bawa teaches us that at first we hold this life that we are experiencing as our own life, not as a book to read that will teach us about who we are, who God is, and the relationship between us. Then, when a true man of wisdom comes into our life and we accept him as the guide for our life, we begin to let go of the life that we have experienced, as our true life, and we begin to hold the ideals of God, that the wise man has given to us, as the true life within the life that we have experienced.

When this happens we have become transformed into a new form of life, a new state of consciousness and awareness. In this new state, the life we have experienced as our life now becomes the vehicle or vessel or seed for our true life, it becomes the book that we must read to obtain an understanding of our true life, an understanding of God.

We begin to reject what we have experienced as our true life and we begin to embrace what we have not yet experienced, the ideals of God given to use by the wise man, as our true life.

Also, we begin to embrace what we have experience as our life as but a vehicle of understanding for our true life, a book that we must learn to read.
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17.  But We Are Not The Student of God Who Can Read The Book of God

So, in this new state of consciousness we try to read the life that we have experience and understand the true life within it. But we find that we can't do it. We don't know how to read the Book of God, how to read the life that we have experienced. Then we begin to realize, through the teachings of the wise man in our life, that we are not the Student of God who can read this Book of God, we are but the book that must be read.

So, where is this true student who can read this book? Then we begin to realize, through the teaching of the wise man, that this true student is also within us but that this true student will only come out and read this book if we are not there. Such is our first dilemma.
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18. We Are The Earth That Can Give Birth To The Student of God

Then we begin to realize that this true student within us is somehow connected to the wise man that we have accepted. We begin to realize that not only does the wise man bring us the ideals of God but that he brings us the seed of the true student that can grow within us.

But to receive the seed of the true student, the seed of Allahu, we must become transformed into the state of the earth properly surrendered to God, the earth in the state of the Kalimah of God, and that this earth must be properly prepared by God to accept the seed of the true student, it must be plowed under with the enlightening words of the Qutbiyyat of God.

So, not only are we the book that must be read, we are the earth that can be prepared to hold the seed of the true student who can read the book. Such is the life of the one who has found and accepted a wise man my loving brother.
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19.  But We Don't Know How To Give Birth To The Student of God

Now how do we become transformed into the earth that is surrendered to God, and how is the earth prepared to properly accept the seed of the true student.? Such is our next dilemma.

Again we begin to realize, through the teachings of the wise man, that the state of the earth and the proper preparation of the earth is also somehow connected to the wise man that we have accepted.

We begin to realize that not only does the wise bring the ideals of God, and the seed of the true student, but he brings the wisdom to transform us into the qualities of the earth surrendered to God, the qualities of patience, tolerance, gratitude and contentment, as well as the qualities that will properly prepare the earth to accept the seed of the true student, the qualities of absolute faith and trust in God, and praise of God.
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20.  Only The True Disciple Can Give Birth To The Student of God

But to receive the wisdom of the wise man that would transform us into the qualities of the earth surrendered to God, and of the earth prepared by God for this Divine Work, so that we can receive the seed of the true student, we must first become transformed into the true disciple, the one who properly lines up behind the wisdom of the wise man.

So, not only are we the book that must be read, and the earth that must be prepared to hold the seed of the true student, we must first become the true disciple that has accepted and received the wisdom of the wise man.
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21.  But We Do Not Know How To Become A True Disciple

But how do we become transformed into the true disciple so that we can receive the wisdom of the wise man? Such is our next dilemma.

Again we begin to realize, through the teaching of the wise man, that the answer to this question is also contained within the wisdom of the wise man. We begin to realize that to become a true disciple and to line up behind the wisdom of the wise man that we must reject our own ideas, and opinions, and thoughts, that we must empty our cup that has been filled with the experiences of our life, that we must become like the innocent new born child, that we must become like the little child sitting on his father's lap, that we must close down the world of hell that we have opened, the world of separations and differences, and reopen the world of the souls that we have closed, the world of selflessness and oneness with all life.

Now how do we replace all of our thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the words of the wise man? How do we empty the cup that we have so enthusiastically filled? How do we return to the state of the innocent new born child? How do we become the little child sitting on his father's lap? And how do we close down the world of hell and reopen the world of the souls? Such is our next dilemma.

The answer to this dilemma also lies within the teachings of the wise man that we have accepted. It is only through the absolute faith and trust in God of the wise man that we can become transformed into the true disciple and receive the wisdom of the wise man that we have accepted.

And it is only through our absolute faith and trust in the wise man that we have accepted that his absolute faith and trust in God can perform this miracle for us. Bawa teaches us that this is the only true miracle, the transformation of one of us into the true disciple of God. For this transformation to occur we must become one with the wise man, we must understand and merge with the wise man.
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22.  Only By Entering The Heart Of The Shaikh - can we become a true disciple

My loving brother, Bawa teaches us that only if we enter the heart of the wise man will we be transformed into the true disciple of God.

But if we enter the heart of the wise man, then the wise man will become the house for our soul and when we leave the heart of the wise man we will have been transformed into a True Human Being, a being of light, an eternal being, the true student who eventually understands and merges with God.

Such is the true gift of the wise man, my dearest loving brother. Such is the true gift of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) my dearest loving brother.
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23.  But We Do Not Know How To Enter The Heart Of The Shaikh

But how do we enter the heart of the wise man, my loving brother? Such is our final dilemma.

Bawa teaches us that it is only through our firm belief that the wise man is in truth God, and His absolute belief that we in truth are God, that we can enter the heart of the Shaikh. Lets talk a look at this process.

First, Bawa teaches us that it is only through our firm belief that the wise man is the instrument of God for our life, the gift of clarity for our life, the gift of God for our life, the gift of God for all life for this age, that we will accept him as God for our life, and take Him into our heart as God.

And if we can be cured, if we will discard everything that God has discarded, and if we can demonstrate this fact to Him in our reaction to all that He places in front of us, then and only then, He will take us into His Heart as God, because only God can do that, and that is why He has come, to find God, to take our soul, to awaken our wisdom, and transform us into the true disciple who can give birth to the true student of God, who can reveal God.

My dearest brother, it is only then, within the heart of the Shaikh, that we become the true disciple and receive the wisdom of the wise man as the house or palace for our soul. Such is the step of faith that each of us must take on the true path to God, my loving brother.
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24.  Only By Completing The Three Steps - in the true Shaikh-Disciple Relationship can we enter the heart of the Shaikh

Bawa teaches us that there are three steps to the true shaikh and disciple relationship. First, we are a member of the general public who have heard of the wise man and demonstrated an interest in the life and teaching of the wise man. In this state we join with others in this population to listen to the words of the wise man and become one of His followers.

Second, we accept the wise man as the spiritual guide for our life, as the instrument of maturation for our true life, as the instrument of navigation for the journey of our life, the journey of our soul from the duality of creation back into the Oneness of God.
We accept the wise man as the gift of God for our life, for all life in this age, the gift of God that has been sent to us to re-establish the connection between God and our soul.

To re-establish the connection between God and all souls, and through the Kalimah of God, the affirmation of faith in God for this age - La Il La Ha, Il Allahu, Muhammadar Rasulullah; there is nothing other than God, Only You are God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

To bring all souls back together as The One Soul, The One Light of God, which in truth is The Light of The Nur Muhammad, The Primal or Original Light of God in Adi that emerged out of God in Anadi, and became all souls, allowing God to start what we are now experiencing, and if we join with Him in this way, allowing God to end what He started. Only in this way, my dear brother, will any of us find peace.

This is what it means when Bawa teaches us that God told Muhammad,

          "Oh Muhammad, without You I would not have created anything".

And why Bawa teaches us that.

          "Muhammad is both the first and the last Prophet of God".

And why Bawa teaches us that,

          "As we came so must we return".

My dearest loving brother, Bawa teaches us that we came from God to Adam (A.S.) as the Nur Muhammad, as the Primal Light of God in Adi, and we must return to God from Adam (A.S.) as the Nur Muhammad, as The Light of the Nur, as the Primal Light of God in Adi.

Bawa teaches us that we can only return to God as the Nur Muhammad returning to the Nur Muhammad, giving rise to the state of Allah Muhammad, the state of Allahu Il Allahu, which is the Secret within Anadi, the prayer of the One to the One who is. Only then will we cease to be the Shadow of the Nur. Only then will we see the reality of God. Only then will this journey of the soul be completed.

Please click on the following: Chapter 9, (www.bmf.org/iswp/part3_secret_creation), "Unity; The Secret of Creation", in the beautiful book of wisdom, "Islam and World Peace: Explanations of a Sufi" (www.bmf.org/iswp), to read more about this beautiful process of returning to God as we came from God.

Like this, my dearest loving brother, only through this understanding, with absolute clarity, can we take the wise man into our heart as God. When we do this we have returned to the state of the child sitting on the lap of the father, the state of the Child of God sitting on the lap of the Father, on the lap of God.

Third, we demonstrate through our conduct and actions that we are willing to discard all that God has discarded and that we are willing to embrace the one life, the life that is one with all life, the life of God, as our own life.

Bawa teaches us that when we do this that the wise man, the Shaikh, accepts us as a true disciple of God and accepts us into his heart, into the heart of God. Bawa teaches us that when the shaikh does this, when he takes the child into his heart as the Disciple of God, who in truth is God, that the child them becomes one with the Shaikh and the Shaikh sets about curing himself, not the child, because the child no longer exists.

Because in that state only God exists, because in that state the state of the Kalimah has been realized - La Il La Ha, Il Allahu, Muhammadar Rasulullah; there is nothing other than God, Only You are God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

Such is the true relationship between the Shaikh and Disciple, my dearest loving brother,

          "God giving Salams to God".

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This page was last updated on: July 23, 2004