Spiritual Letter 01 - Outline & Summary Version        About Spiritual Letter 01
Title: "Who Are We, Who Is God, And What Is The Relationship Between Us."
Wisdom Point: His Holiness, "In Truth There Is Only One God, One Prayer, One Family, And There Is Really Only One Life, Only One Soul, Which Is The Life of God Within Each of Us, Within All of Creation."
Date Written: April, 1989, Date Last Updated: July, 2004
Date Published: July, 2004
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to: Rev. George. A. Johnson, Nigeria, Africa

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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Outline of Spiritual Letter - for Page 03

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Text of Spiritual Letter:  - for Page 03
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3.  The Two Divine Lights Within Us

My dearest brother, we have two Divine Lights within us, which we must understand and join with.

First, we have the light of discrimination that must awaken within us, the sixth level of wisdom, that God has placed within us surrounding our soul, that must be awakened by the enlightening words of the Qutbiyatt of God, by the words of One who is a True Shaikh, and for this age, that is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).

And second, we have the light of illumination, the seventh level of wisdom, that God has placed on the forehead of Adam within us, that must open within us (i.e., the Light of the Nur - the Nur Muhammad within us), which opens when the soul within us is liberated by the discriminating wisdom within us, and joins with that wisdom and searches, finds, and joins with the light of the Nur within us, that finds and joins with God within us, and finds and joins with God within God within us.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah.

My dearest loving brother, these two lights are the Lights of God that emerged out of God in Anadi, in the time of darkness or lack of understanding before creation, and explained to God who He is, and addressed God as Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim; the Creator, the Ruler, and the Nourisher. And joined with God to complete this Duty of God.

And these same two lights must emerge out of man, in his time of darkness or lack of understanding before creation begins within him, if He is ever to see God again, if He is ever to know who He is, who God is, and the relationship between Them, if He is every to do the Duty of God, the duty of Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.

Bawa teaches us that if these two lights of God do not emerge out of us, them we remain as the Shadow of the Nur, and all we will ever see is what we have already seen on the outside of us in the world, and we will be destined to travel the journey of 105 million rebirths.

In this way, Bawa teaches us about what "He was told by His Shaikh", after He found a True Human being among the Created beings, as we have now found Bawa and His Children among us. 

For as Bawa teaches us at the bottom of Page 5, in the "Introduction" to the book, "Shaikh and Disciple",

          "The most difficult task in life is finding a True Human being among
          the Created beings."

And as Bawa tells us, on Page 6 in the same "Introduction" and book, Bawa tells us what His Shaikh told Him, at one point in His journey, when He had stopped searching "outside" of Himself, and began trying to,

          "Discover what is hidden within this body".

"I was told (by My Shaikh):

          "Within this eight-span house, half a span is your sorrow, half a span is your
          torpor, and one span is the fire of hell.  If you can understand and discard these
          two spans, then you are left with six."

          "Once you have understood all that is within the remaining six spans of your
          body, you can become a man with six levels of wisdom, capable of analyzing
          and discovering the secrets of the eighteen thousand universes."

          "Then you will understand that one handful of earth which is your heart.
          If you do not reach this understanding (of who you are), you could become a
          worm in hell with only one level of wisdom. Or you could become a jinn, a fairy,
          a ghost, or a demon. You will become a ruhani, an elemental spirit."

          "However if you understand yourself, then you can become a True Human Being.
          You can become My Messenger, you can become My Light, you can merge
          with Me and we can live together."

"These were His words (the words of Bawa's Shaikh).

To read the full content of this "Introduction" by our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), please click on the following, "Shaikh and Disciple" (www.ShaikhAndDisciple.homestead.com).  Once there go to the "Table of Contents" for the book and click on "Introduction".  Thank you.

This "Introduction" is a beautiful summary of the teaching of His Holiness where He clearly tells us of certain experiences in His life, and His journey through the different types of learning that must occur on this path. For example, learning on the earth, in the sea, in the air, in the sky, and within the body of man.

Such is this Divine Wisdom of God within us, this light of discrimination within us, the sixth levels of Divine Wisdom within us, that God has personally placed within man within us, this light of discrimination that surrounds the soul within us, that can awaken within us and liberate the soul within us from the cross of this elemental body, can liberate Jesus (A.S.) within us from the cross of hell within us, becoming the joy of the Liberated Soul of Life within us.

And such is this Divine Wisdom of God within us, this light of illumination within us, which having first become the light of the Qutbiyyat within us, light of discrimination within us, again appears as the luminous wisdom on the forehead of Adam within us, becoming the Nur Muhammad within us, becoming the Nur Muhammad joined as One with God within us, giving birth to the True Man of God within us, revealing the state of Man-God/God-Man within us, the state of Allahu Il Allahu within us, the prayer of the One to the One who Is, within us, becoming the bliss of The Revealed God within us.
Such is the relationship between us and Adam, between us and True Man, between us and the True Shaikh, between us and the wisdom within us, between wisdom and the soul within us, and between True Man and God within us, between True Man within God and God within True Man within us, my loving brother.

Bawa teaches us that this Divine Wisdom within us, this light of discrimination and illumination within us, will only awaken within us, will only step forward and identify this contrast within us and extract this point of truth from the contract within us, if we step back, if we leave, if we deny ourselves and our existence separate from God, if we reject the life separate from God and separate from other life, and if we embrace the oneness of all life, the oneness of God as the true life within all life, the one life, the one truth of all life. Such is the path to God that must be walked within us, that must be walked within wisdom within us, and that must be walked within God within us, my loving brother.

This is why Bawa teaches us that,

          "If you are there, God is not there, and if God is there, you are not there."

So, our learning is learning how not to be there.

This is where we have come my loving brother, to learn how not to be there, to the school of contrasts, to obtain an understanding of who we are, who our Father is, and the relationship between us. But to receive this understanding we must discover how to awaken the wisdom that surrounds our soul, how to step back, how to deny ourselves and a life separate from God, and how to embrace a life of oneness with all life, a life of oneness with God. Please think about this a little.
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4.  Only God Can Sweeten A Sour Fruit

My loving brother, what the world has taught us about who we are is all wrong. We are not the life that we are presently experiencing. It is true that we are experiencing it, but it is not who we are. Bawa teaches us that we have come from God as a ray of light, a light of incredible purity, and as that light we are the most exalted of God's creations. We have not come from the animals as the world tells us, we have come from God, and God is our Father.

Bawa tells us that we will only find God, we will only find the answer to who we truly are, within the exaltedness of our own life. We must realize that we have not yet experienced that exaltedness. We have only experience the darkness of life which covers the exaltedness of life.

So, my loving brother, do not be sad, do not get depressed with what you have experienced as life or what you have experienced as your own life. It is not who you truly are and it is not what is truly happening.

My loving brother, when we experience a taste of sourness within a fruit we do not say that we are sour, we say that the fruit is sour. And when we experience a taste of sweetness within a fruit we do not say that we are sweet, we say that the fruit is sweet. In both cases we say that the fruit is either sweet or sour, not us. In both cases we have experienced the qualities that were present within the thing that we have tasted, but we have not attributed those qualities to ourselves. In both cases we have maintained an objectivity between ourselves and the fruit. Is that not so.

But, my loving brother, when we experience the taste of sourness within the life that we are currently experiencing as our own, the life that we mistakenly call our own life, when we experience a bad quality like anger within ourselves, we say that we are sour, we say that we got angry, we say that we have a bad quality. And when we experience a good quality like patience or tolerance, we say that we are sweet, we say that we were shown patience or tolerance, don't we. In both cases we have lost all objectivity between ourselves and what we are tasting within us. Is that not so.

But if we look at these two experiences with wisdom, we see that there is really no difference between the two experiences? In the first case, we experienced sourness or sweetness by biting into the life of a fruit and in the second case we experienced sourness or sweetness by biting into the life of the things that live within us.

We see these two experiences as different because within our ignorance, within our lack of wisdom, we believe that the sourness within the fruit that we taste is separate from us but that the sourness within the life within us, the life that we are currently experiencing as who we are, is not separate from us. In our ignorance we claim this life that we are currently experiencing as our own life, and we claim the sourness within this life as the sourness of our own life. Such is the dilemma of the man of ignorance, he believes that he is the life that he is experiencing. But in truth, this is not the case at all.

This is one of the main characteristics of the third level of wisdom, of intellect, this belief that what you are experiencing is who you are. That is the real problem in our life, living our life at only the third level of consciousness, at the level of intellect, not the sourness that we taste within the lives that have grow and are living within us.

We are living a life at the level of intellect, and until we develop the fourth level of wisdom, the judgment of Abraham (A.S.), we will be locked into this illusion, and continue to try to ignore or hide from the truth within us, the truth that the lives within us are sour, that they have yet to reach maturity, like the sour apple. And as long as they continue to stay in this immature state, they will continue to taste sour, and since we have no objectivity about them, we will continue to taste sour.

Such is our dilemma of our life, because God cannot move the lives within us forward, God cannot ripen them or judge them, as long as we think that they define who we are, as long as we hold onto them as who we are, as long as we fail to separate from them, as who we are, and hand them to God.

But if we can separate from then, from all of the elemental lives within us, as who we are, and join with God as who we are, and having separated from them as what defines us, if we can hand them to God, He will dispose of them within us. He will either ripened them, allowing them to join and become one with God, to become mature and sweet, or He will judge them to be evil, judge them as wanting to stay separate from God, judge them as having no understanding of God, as wanting to live in hell, as not wanting to become mature and sweet, and having so judged them, He will sent them to hell, send them out of us to an appropriate place, where they wish to go, like Jesus (A.S.) casting the demons out of the person into the swine.

For Bawa teaches us that, "Hell is simply the realization that you have separated yourself from God." And Bawa teaches us that "In the end, all that is left is God and what has separated from God, and what separates from God is that which says, 'I am separate from God'". So we separate ourselves from God by holding onto a life of separation, rejecting God's efforts to pull us back into Himself.

My dearest brother, this is how good and evil are differentiated within us, through God's judgment of the elemental lives within us, not through any effort on our part, and this is how the evil is removed from us and the goodness of God is established within us, through our faith, certitude, and determination in God, and in nothing other than God, allowing God to apply His Divine Wisdom, and His Divine Qualities to everything within us.

Please reflect on this beautiful truth, my dearest brother. It is a very important point of wisdom for anyone who wishes to see God again.

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This page was last updated on: July 23, 2004