Spiritual Letter 01 - Outline & Summary Version        About Spiritual Letter 01
Title: "Who Are We, Who Is God, And What Is The Relationship Between Us."
Wisdom Point: His Holiness, "In Truth There Is Only One God, One Prayer, One Family, And There Is Really Only One Life, Only One Soul, Which Is The Life of God Within Each of Us, Within All of Creation."
Date Written: April, 1989, Date Last Updated: July, 2004
Date Published: July, 2004
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to: Rev. George. A. Johnson, Nigeria, Africa

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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Outline of Spiritual Letter - for Page 05

10.  The False Life - both within and "outside" of us, that separates us from our true
          life within us, from the 6th life within us, which is wisdom of God within us, divine
          analytic wisdom, from the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani
          (may God be please with Him) within us, and from God within our wisdom
11.  The True Life Within Us - that completes God's intention for creating us
12.  What Does God See - when He looks at us?
13.  How Can We Identify And Discard - the darkness within us

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Text of Spiritual Letter - for Page 05
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10.  The False Life That Separates Us From Our True Life, And From God

Like this, my loving brother, Bawa teaches us that the life that we are presently experiencing, as our own life, is not our true life, but is really a false life.

This false life is really the life of darkness, the life of arrogance, karma, and illusion, that covers the life of exaltedness within us, that covers the true life within us. It is really a collection of many elemental lives that are living and growing within us.

Bawa speaks of this life of darkness as a Cooperative Store run by the five elements within us; earth, fire, water, air, and ether. Bawa tells us that these five elements have invested in this store and that they divide up the profits from this store as long as it is open. But when the store is closed, when the body dies, then these five shareholders each remove their original investment.

So, the life that we are presently experiencing is the elemental life, the lives that have grown and prospered within the five elements. But this is the life of self, the life of separation, the life of differences. This is the life that believes it is separate from God and separate from other lives. This is the life of "mine" and "yours". This is the life of "you" and "I". This is the life of selfishness. This is the life of mind and desire. This is the life of hell that we are presently experiencing in this world of illusion called "our life".

Bawa teaches us that if these elemental lives of selfishness are still living within us when the body drops, when the physical body dies and is placed within the grave, then these elemental lives of separation and differences, of selfishness, of arrogance, karma, and illusion, this illusion called "our life", become the hell that we dwell in for eternity.
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11.  The True Life That Completes God's Intention For Creating Us

Bawa teaches us that the life that we have not yet experienced is the true life within us. This is the life that is born out of the Truth of God within us. This is the life of oneness with all life. This is the life of selflessness. This is the life of love and unity.

This is the life of the wisdom and beauty of God. This is the life that understands all other lives. This is the life that is the essence of all other life. This is the true life within all other life. This is the life that is one with God, the life that has understood and merged with God, and is living together with God. This is the life that explains the truth of God to the world. This is the life that is the light of God to the world.

Bawa teaches us that this is the life that demonstrates the Truth of God to the world by being and showing the qualities and duties of God to the world, and as such, this is the life that reveals God to the world.

This is the life of oneness with all life that has merged with the one we call God. This is the life of God within the world that has merged with the power of God within the world. This is God within God. And this, and only this, is true prayer, the prayer of the One to the One who Is, the state of Allahu Il Allahu. This is what Bawa tells us is the state of Man-God/God-Man that is our birthright, our true heritage.

And God is the source of this state, the source of our true life, as well as the source of our soul, and the source of the wisdom that surrounds our soul, the wisdom that is capable of liberating our soul from the false life that we are currently experiencing as "who we are".

And God is the eternal resting place for our true life, this house of the liberated soul, which is the house of grace build by the grace awakened wisdom within us, after we realize, accept, understand, and join with the Grace of God for this age, after we realize, accept, understand, and join with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).

This house of wisdom within us is the purified heart within us, it is the palace of our soul, it is the pure place within us that we must establish and understand within us, if we are ever to see God again. This is the paradise of gnanam within us, the kingdom of our pure Father. This is firdaus, the eighth heaven within us, which is built within us by wisdom, the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen 'Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him). Please realize this my dearest loving brother. Please accept this truth without the slightest doubt. This is your true heritage, your true birthright, not what you see and experience with your mind at the level of the intellect in the world "outside" of "us".

Like this, my dearest loving brother, Bawa teaches us that in truth we are the thoughts and intentions of God, we are the life of God within the world. And if we realize this truth in our lifetime, before the angle of death comes to collect us, then we only "exist" in the world because God "exists" in the world, and we are only "here" in the world because God is "here" in the world. And if God "exists" in the world, then the world becomes the Pure Kingdom of God, and the Pure Kingdom of God becomes this world.

Then we only "exist" because it is God's intention that we "exist", not because of any desire or connection that we have with elemental lives, and we then "exist" as the representatives of God to the world, then we "exist" as the creation of God, the most exalted creation of God, that has understood and merged with God, as the creation of God that explains the Truth of God to the world.

And then we are only "here" because it is His intention that we be "here", and then the
"here" is in truth the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of hell that we are currently experiencing as where we are.

My dear brother, then "who we are" becomes true man, and then "where we are" becomes the Kingdom of our Pure Father, becomes the Hereafter or Akhirah. This is our true birthright, our true heritage.

Such is God's intention for "who we are" and "where we are" us my loving brother, which will become "who we are" and "where we are", when we but understand and accept this truth with absolute faith, certitude, and determination, with Iman, when we realize, accept, understand, and join with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
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12.  What Does God See When He Looks At Us?

My loving brother, what does God see when He looks at us? We must clearly understand the answer to this question. The world has caused great confusion within man on this point my loving brother.

Bawa teaches us, my loving brother, that when God looks at us He only sees the goodness within us, the Truth within us. He only sees Himself within us. Bawa tells us that God does not see the bad within us, the darkness within us, the evil within us. God does not see these things within us because He has discarded them from within Himself.

Bawa tells us that God is always looking at man, His most exalted creation. He looks at man as this own life and comforts man and takes care of man as His own life. But man is not looking at God as his own life. Instead man is looking at the darkness that God has discarded and man is claiming this darkness as his own life. One day Bawa looked at us and said, "Why are you embracing all of the things that God has discarded?" Such is the dilemma of the life of man, my loving brother.

The point of our life is to realize that God is our own life and to then look at God instead of looking at the things that God has discarded. Bawa tells us that if we start to look at the qualities and duties of God, the wisdom and beauty of God, and the service of God to the world as our own life, then these beautiful aspects of God will start to grow and live within us.

Bawa teaches us that if these aspects of God start to appear within us then God will see them within us and be attracted to us like a honey bee is attracted to a flower. And Bawa says that if this happens then God will come to us like the honey bee comes to the flower and claim us as His property, and just as the honey bee takes the honey and places it in its hive, God will take us and place us within Him, within His Kingdom as His wealth, and His treasure. In this way we will become the Bank of God, the Wealth of God, which God will use, which God will draw upon, for the benefit of all of the creations of God. Such is God's intention for us, my loving brother.

But if instead of looking at God we look at the darkness, we look at the things that God has discarded, as our own life, then these discarded things will start to grow and live within us.

Bawa teaches us that if these aspects of darkness start to appear within us then the life of darkness, the prince of darkness, will see them within us and be attracted to us like a fly is attracted to feces. And Bawa tells us that if this happens then the prince of darkness will come to us like a fly comes to feces and claim us as his property, and just as a fly carries the filth on its legs to all the discarded places that it goes, the prince of darkness will take us to all the places and things discarded by God.

And finally, Bawa teaches us that if we continue to embrace the darkness that God has discarded as our own life, then we will eventually become that darkness, we will become that which is separate from God, we will become that which God has separated from Himself. Such would appear to be the intention of man for man.
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13.  How Can We Identify And Discard The Darkness Within Us

Now you may ask yourself, my loving brother, "How can we look at God? And how can we identify and discard the darkness that God has discarded?" This is the question for our life my loving brother. This is the question that only the wise man in our life can answer for us my loving brother.

Bawa teaches us that we can only see God if we look through the wisdom of the wise man that we have accepted as the spiritual guide for our life. It is only if we look through his eyes that we can see God. And it is only through the qualities and actions of the wise man that we have accepted that we can accept and embrace God as our own life.

Bawa tells us that when we accept the true wise man as our own life we have at that very moment accepted God as our own life and when the true wise man accepts us into his heart then at that very moment God has accepted us as His child, as His representative to the world, as His Prince of light and truth to the world.

Bawa tells us that it is only through the eyes of the wise man, that we have accepted as our own life, that we can see the darkness that God has discarded. And it is only through the faith and trust in God of the wise man, that we have accepted as the instrument of God for our life, that we can discard the darkness within us that is separating us from God.

Bawa teaches us that it is only through the wisdom of the wise man that the wisdom within us, the wisdom sleeping around our soul, will awaken and merge with the wise man, become one with the wise man, and live within the heart of the wise man as one with truth, as one with all lives, and as one with God. Such is the house for our soul. Such is the liberation of the soul within us. Such is the liberation of God within us, my loving brother. Such is the nature of the wisdom within us and of the wise man in our life my loving brother.

Bawa teaches us that it is certainly difficult to find a true wise man for our life, difficult to be with him, travel with him, and learn wisdom from him. But without him, Bawa says, we can never succeed on the path to God. For this child, for all children in this age, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), is the wise man for our life, the spiritual guide for our life, the instrument of God for our life.

For this child, for all children in this age, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is our life, our true life, the eyes for our true life, and the qualities and duties of our true life, the house for our soul, the true house of God within us.

Such is Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) for this child, my loving brother. Such is Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) for all children who have been born at the time of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), my dearest loving brother. Such is Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) for you, and for all of those who gather with you, in search of wisdom and the truth of God, my loving brother. This is something you must realize my loving brother without the slightest doubt.  Such is the gift of God for our age.  Amen.

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